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Our vision is to expand education equity by integrating playful learning into all affordable housing.

Live and Learn: A Pilot Project 

Girl jumping along ruler

Photo: São Paolo, Brazil. Photo: Purpose Brazil

Playful learning environments are public spaces intentionally created to help children learn while playing, based on the science of how children learn best. 


These spaces are specially designed to spark crucial skill-building and social-emotional growth and increase school readiness for children ages 0–8. Through Live and Learn, we are expanding educational equity by providing playful learning opportunities where children live.

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Many children don’t have access to high-quality learning opportunities and lag behind in school readiness, academic performance, and social- emotional well-being.


We need to ensure that all children have access to opportunities that help them reach their full potential. Together with community residents, we will co-create environments that reflect the values and cultures of those communities. We will transform indoor and outdoor common areas at two affordable housing developments into engaging playful learning spaces.


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